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Pave mosaic with a geometrical and floreal frame with animals and exagonal boxes; inside there is an Aries with a latin inscription and a rooster fighting against a turtle

Pave mosaic with a geometrical and floreal frame with animals and exagonal boxes; inside there is an Aries with a latin inscription and a rooster fighting against a turtle

Fragment of sarcophagus, with two human figures. The reconstruction drawing shows a man wearing a toga (probably a saint?); he is addressing to the shepherd standing next to him. The relief continues into a strigilated panel.

Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, fragments from a sarcophagus frieze, depicting the three young men (and a fourth man, God's envoy?) in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:1-56)

Fragment of a sarcophagus relief: from left to right, Christ Healing the Paralytic, the hand of God prevents Abraham from sacrificing Isaac

Detail of a sarcophagus relief: from left to right, The Multiplication of Five Loaves and Two Fishes; Prophet Ezekiel and the Resurrection of the Dead in the Valley of the Dry Bones

Fragment of a sarcophagus relief (short side), Prophet Balaam and the Angel

Sanseverino Palace, fragment of a sarcophagus relief, Three Men in the Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3:1-56)

Unlike the original caption, the statue portrays a beardless Christ as a teacher or philosopher, sitting on a chair and holding a scroll.

Fragmentary sarcophagus decorated by a continuous relief. The lid features acroteria in the form of two male heads at the corners, two figurative scenes and an empty squared framed panel at the centre. The two panels represent, from left to right,…

Fragment of sarcophagus lid, Temptation of Eve and three standing figures

Sarcophagus front, decorated by five relief scenes framed by an arched colonnade. From left to right, Abraam Sacrificing Isaac, Raising of Lazarus, female figure praying (?), Christ Healing the Paralytic and the Woman Suffering from Hemorrhage, two…

Exterior, view from the East

Detail of a sarcophagus fragmentary relief decorated by figurative scenes framed by a colonnade. From left to right, the first two scenes represent two miracles of Christ (raising of the dead; the healing of the woman suffering from hemorrhage),…

Detail of a sarcophagus fragmentary relief decorated by figurative scenes depicting the three young Jews refusing to worship the statue of the king of Babylonia, Nebuchadnezzar II, and thus being sentenced to death into the fiery furnace (Daniel…

Drawing of a sarcophagus relief, decorated by continuous figurative frieze scenes from the New Testament. From left to right, Nativity, Three Wise Men driven to Bethlehem by the Star, Traditio Legis (Christ giving a scroll to Paul in the presence of…

Milan, Basilica of St. Ambrose, detail of the backside of the so-called sarcophagus of Stilicho. From upper left to lower right, the three young Jews refusing to worship the statue of the king of Babylonia, Nebuchadnezzar II, and thus being sentenced…

Detail from a sarcophagus relief, head of a bearded man (Christ)

Detail of a fragmentary sarcophagus decorated by a continuous relief depicting episodes from the life of Jesus Christ and from the Old Testament: from left to right, the raising of Lazarus; miraculous healing?; Ezekiel and the valley of the dry…