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Epitaphios: angel (detail)

Epitaphios with the representation of the Virgin and Saint John crying over the dead body of Christ

External view of a cross-in-square church made of stones and bricks

Church with four towers and a ciborium in front of the entrance

Upper view of the church

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Crucifixion

Panel from the wooden entrance door of the narthex. Several interpretations of the iconography on the panel: the Annunciation of the Birth of St. John the Baptist to Zacharias inside the Temple/Triumph of the Christian Emperor/Ultimate Adventus of…

Panel from the wooden entrance door of the narthex. Several interpretations of the iconography on the panel: the Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias inside the Temple/Triumph of the Christian Emperor/Ultimate Adventus of…

Back side of wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Detail of the panel, showing geometrical and phytomorphic decorative patterns (polygons, circles, rosettes).

Rome, detail of the front relief of a sarcophagus, from the Chigi collection. From left to right, miracles of Jesus Christ (Multiplication of Five Loaves and Two Fishes, Healing of the Blind Man(?), Healing of the Paralytic), Sacrifice of Isaac

Rome, front relief of a sarcophagus, from the Chigi collection. From left to right, miracles of Jesus Christ (Raising of Lazarus, Healing of the Woman Suffering from Hemorrhage, a standing figure praying, Multiplication of Five Loaves and Two Fishes,…

Fragment of a copper-alloy (?) circular polycandelon, in the form of a pierced disk. The rim is decorated by vine tendrils and leaves, while the central openwork bears a chrismon with Alpha and Omega. Seven circular perforations on the arms of the…

Fragment of a sarcophagus' front. The surviving relief is divided into four sections: the central one shows the marriage of the deceased couple (Dextrarum Iunctio) with the presence of a small Eros, and it is flanked by two strigilated panels; the…

Small six-sided silver vessel of a censer. Externally its sides are decorated with relief and carved frontal busts of young Christ and the Virgin Mary, each flanked by two angels. The photograph shows two of its sides with the Virgin and an angel,…

Detail of a Corinthian capital

The photograph shows a detail of one of the cencer's sides decorated externally with a relief and carved bust of an angel. It is part of a small six-sided silver vessel of a censer. Externally its sides are decorated with relief and carved frontal…

Strigilated sarcophagus: the central panel shows a figure in prayer, two representations of Good Shepherd on the lateral panels

Strigilated sarcophagus: the central panel shows a figure in prayer, two representations of Good Shepherd on the lateral panels

Small ivory plaque with a representation of Apostle Peter, affixed to a wooden antimension (a substitute for the Holy Altar) of the Monastery of Kykkos among carved symbols of the Passion and of the relics and a cameo with Saint Demetrios.

A round red cameo glass with a representation of Saint Demetrios, affixed to a wooden antimension (a substitute for the Holy Altar) of the Monastery of Kykkos among carved symbols of the Passion and of the relics and an ivory plaque with Apostle…