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The so-called Palace of Theodoric, external view

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view.
"So-called Palace of Theodoric" is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted…

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view.
"So-called Palace of Theodoric" is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted…

Detail of a Corinthian capital and its impost from the inner colonnade in S. Giovanni Basilica, at Ravenna. The capital is a reused architectural element of Roman imperial date. The impost is decorated in low-relief with two acanthus leaves at the…

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view.
"So-called Palace of Theodoric" is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted…

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view.
"So-called Palace of Theodoric" is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted…

Parian marble relief with the praying Virgin. Her head is surrounded by a halo and flanked by Greek abbreviations, meaning the "Mother of God".

The so-called Palace of Theodoric in Ravenna, external view.
"So-called Palace of Theodoric" is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted…

The so-called Palace of Theodoric, particular of the front

The so-called Palace of Theodoric, external view

Rome, sarcophagus of a child. Sarcophagus fragment found in the Catacomb of Calepodius, on Aurelia street. It is decorated with a clipeus and lion biting a wild boar.

Rome, Catacombs of Domitilla. Vault of the cubicle with the good shepherd. A shepherd carries a sheep on the shoulders in clipeo. Inside the concentric circle: birds alternate with peacocks. At the corners: flying birds and floral festoons.

Ivory diptych of the magister militum Flavius Stilicho (front), with his wife Serena and his son Eucherius (back)

Rome, Catacombs of Domitilla. Gallery vault with access to the hypogeum of Flavi. The fresco depicts cupids harvesting.

The Romanesque church of Cesato had a structure with three naves, influenced by the early Christian basilicas of the Ravenna area. This structure was lost today, due to heavy intervention during the seventeenth century that knocked down the apse and…

Detail of a composite capital with impost from the Euphrasian basilica of Parentium-Poreč. The impost bears the monogram of bishop Euphrasius on the front.

S. Vitale basilica, Ravenna, gallery. Detail of a fold impost capital with carved acanthus pattern and overlying impost. The impost bears the monogram of the donor of basilica, Julianus Argentiarius.

Rome: Museum of S. Sebastian. Fragments of sarcophagus with columns