Browse Items (118051 total)

Statue of Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus Caesar holding a paten.

Bronze statue of a standing aries. Profile

Statue of a young man making a sacrifice. He is standing "velato capite" and wears a heavy toga holding a paten and a cornucopia. The features of the portrayed man are similar to those of the series of portraits known as "Augustus Louvre-type. The…

Statue of a Genius making a sacrifice. He is standing "velato capite" and wears a heavy toga holding a paten and a cornucopia. The features of the face probably represent emperor Augustus. The statue was found in Naples (Palazzo dei Duchi di…

Male statue of a naked bearded man holding a paten in his right hand.

Head of Bacchus with beard and grapes around his head. The sculpture comes from a private collection (Riminaldi collection)

Head of Emperor Nero

Bust of Emperor Claudius

Statue of Emperor Claudius (depicted as Jupiter) celebrating a sacrifice. The statue comes from Lanuvium (Latium).

Statue of Emperor Claudius as a heroic nude figure. The statue was found in the excavations of the theatre of Caere, in southern Etruria.

Bust of Britannico, son of Claudiua and Messalina.

Statue of Diana decorated with protomes of lions, griffins, horses, bulls, bees, and also sphinxes and flowers. On the chest there are four rows of breasts symbol of fertility, while the breastplate enclosed by a garland of helichrysum and acorns…

Statue of Thalia, Muse of who presided over comedy and idyllic poetry. She is holding a theater mask in her hand.

Statue of Euterpe, Muse of lyric poetry and Music. She is holding a scroll in her hands.

Statue of the young Niobide dying. The figure is representing while raising the mantle above the head.The statue was discovered in Rome, near the Lateran.

Statue pertaining to the Niobid sculptural group. A naked young man is holding a drape above his head. Roman imperial work after a 4th century BC Greek original.

Fragmentary statue of a naked young woman standing with her left leg up. Arms are lost.

Rome, funerary area in the estate of Villa Pamphilj. The funerary inscription of C. Julius Proculus

Rome, funerary area in the estate of Villa Pamphilj. The enclosing wall of the northern sector, with the inscriptions still in situ. The second inscription from the right is the one of C. Julius Proculus.

Rome, funerary area in the estate of Villa Pamphilj. In the foreground, the colombarium discovered in 1838 and the funerary stele still in situ.