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Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: panel's decorative motif (detail); acanthus branches and a ram.

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: panel's decorative motif (detail); acanthus branches and a donkey.

Parenzo, Basilica of the bishop Euphrasius: view of the presbytery from the southern aisle

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: panel's decorative motif (detail); acanthus branches and a cock.

Grado, Basilica of S. Maria delle Grazie: impost capital

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Calling of Moses on Mt. Horeb

Parenzo, Basilica of the bishop Euphrasius: a double-zone corinthian capital and the superimposed dosseret with the monogram of Euphrasius

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Ascension of Elijah

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the miracles performed by Moses in the desert

Drawing of the ancient facade door of the cathedral of Forlì dedicated to the Holy Cross.

Drawing of the facade of St Mercuriale's basilica

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: panel's decorative motif (detail); acanthus branches and birds.

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: panel's decorative motif (detail); acanthus branches and birds.

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Several interpretations of the iconography on the panel: the Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias inside the Temple/Triumph of the Christian…

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: tied dolphins, detail of the decoration on the arris of groin vault.

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Adoration of the Magi

Basilica of San Vitale, presbytery, groin vault, wall mosaic decoration: the Agnus Dei is represented in a clypeus on the vault. On the four groin vault panels, four angels are supporting the central clypeus, which is surrounded by the decorative…

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with Jesus Appearing to the Holy Women

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Prophet Habakkuk being about to be abducted by the angel

Detail of the wooden entrance door of the narthex at St. Sabina's basilica, in Rome. Panel with the Ascension (former interpretation) or Prophet Enoch's Translation to Heaven