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Apollo Kitharoedus (playing the cithara), from the Casa del Citarista in Pompeii.

Bronze copy of a statue by Calamis representing a female figure holding a drape. The statue was discovered with four similar others in the southwest colonnade of the Villa dei Papiri’s rectangular peristyle between April 1754 and October 1756.

Grave Stele of Damasistrate. The woman, daughter of Poykleides, is shaking hands with her husband, who holds a strigil. Found in Piraeus in 1838.

The relief shows a young woman seated on a stool leaning torwards her son, who ris holding a ball in his right hand. A maiden stands in the background. According to the epigram on the epistyle, the grave belonged to a woman named Polyxene. Found…

Grave stele of Archestrate. The woman is seated on the right. A servant stands in front of her, presenting a pyxis. In the center a child holding a bird. Found in 1819 in Aixone, halfway between Athens and Sounion.

Demeter from Knidos. The goddess is seated on a throne The head was carved independently from the body and fixed onto the neck. The statue was found in the Demeter sanctuary in Knidos.

Standing statue of Hermes of Andros. Roman copy after an original by Prassiteles.

Running girl (the so-called “Atalanta Barberini”). Roman copy after a 5th century Greek original. The statue belonged to the private Barberini Collection and it was acquired by the museum in 1772. In the 18th century, the statue has been restored by…

Apollo Kitharoedus(playing the Cithara), from the Casa del Citarista in Pompeii.

Metope of the Parthenon (South) showing the centauromachia.

Statue of semi-naked Aphrodite standing.

A sitting woman with a portrait head (so-called Agrippina Minor). From the Farnese collection.

Dying Amazon on horseback. Roman copy after a Greek original. From the Farnese Collection, the original finding spot is unknown.

Statue of a satyr standing with grapes in his hand and baby Dionysus on his shoulders. Roman copy of a Greek original.

Standing statue of Drusus "velato capite". The finding spot is unknown.

Sculpted group of Hercules fighting against the centaur Nessus. The statue was located in the Uffizi palace in 1595.

Roman copy of the statue of Penelope sitting after a 5th century BC Greek original.

Bust of Roman Emperor Nero as a boy. The sculpture belonged to the private collection of the Medici family and it has been in the Uffizi Gallery since 1704. The original finding spot is unknown.

Statue of a sitting emperor. The original head was lost and later replaced with a portrait of Augustus. The statue was found in 1741 in Herculaneum.

Marble bust of Poppaea Sabina, wife of Emperor Nero.