Browse Items (118051 total)

Statue of the muse Flora, with flowers in her left hand. Copy after Philiskos of Rhodes. The statue was discovered in between the Pecile and the "Cento Camerelle" in Tivoli between 1739-1744.

Statue of a female statue standing

Sarcophagus decorate rit a relief depicting a Dionysian procession.

Statue of Demeter with spikes in her hand. Copy after a 4th century original.

Statue of Psyche running away with a sandal in her hand.

Statue of Leda with the Swan. The woman is depicted lifting up her matnle in order to protect the swan from the eagle Roman copy after original by the sculptor Timotheos (360 BC). The statue was found in Rome and it belonged to the Albani…

Burial coffin of Lucius Cornelius Barbatus. Below a decoration, with triglyphs and rosettes, there is an inscription in archaic Latin that was painted in red. It was discovered in the Tomb of the Scipios in Rome.

Venus or Aphrodite Cnydia, This statue represents the first example of a Goddess depicted naked. Roman copy of Praxiteles. The original finding spot is unknown, but it was formerly located in n the Palazzo Colonna in Rome.

Statue of Demosthenes wearing a himation and sandals, resting his weight on his left foot. Roman copy after a Greek original by Polyeuktos. Found in Villa Aldobrandini, in Rome.

Marble head of Antinoos on a modern bust. The original finding spot in unknown. The bust probably belonged to the Polignac Collection

Colossal statue of the Nile, probably part of the decoration of the Iseo Campense. The river is represented as an old man laying on his side with a cornucopia of fruit on his left. Egypt is represented by the sphinx and some exotic animals. All…

Heracles with club and lion skin. The statue was discovered near the theatre of Pompeius.

Decorated round altar, with a male figure in profile.

Relief depicting Zeus sitting.

Statue of Hygieia depicted as a young woman feeding a large snake that iswrapped around her arm. Roman copy.

A sculptural group with two standing men.

Unidentified female head. The finding spot is unknown.

Bust of Julia Domna.

Bust of Emperor Pertinax with a Gorgon on his armor. Found in Rome, Contrada Troncavia, in 1650.

Statue of the muse Urania represented represented with a celestial globe to which she points with a little staff.