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Relief depicting a female figure. Found in Athens.

Relief depicting Leda and the Swan.

Fragmentary relief depicting an unidentified female figure.

Statue of a Kouros (young man) standing naked with his left foot a little forward. Found in Athens.

Statue of the Moschophoros, the Calf Bearer. The kouros (who represents a man offering a sacrifice) is standing with his left foot a little forward. He has a thick beard, and he wears a thin cloak. The sculpture was found on the Athenian Acropolis in…

Statue of a Persian warrior, who is wearing a Phrygian beret, He is depicted while attempting a defensive movement away from the enemy. He is raising his right arm which holding his sword. The expression on the face is extremely dramatic. This…

Metope from Selinunte (Temple E) depicting Diana and Actaeon

Statue of Apollo naked standing. It was found in 1862 in the Theatre of Dionysos, Athens. Near the findspot was a base with an omphalos, the mythical centre of the world. Roman copy after a Greek original (c.460 BC)

Pentelic marble grave stele found in Aegina or Salamis attributed to Agorakritos or to a sculptor from his workshop, who probably worked on the Parthenon frieze.

Detail of the Lenormant Relief from Eleusis depicting Demeter, Triptolemus and a Kore. Found on the Acropolis, near the Erechtheum in the 19th century.

Bust of Lycurgus, the lawgiver of Sparta. The sculpture came to light in a vineyard of the Vittori family near Porta Portese and in a area between the Baths of Diocletian and the tiberian Castra Pretoria.

Statue of Venus and Eros. Roman copy of a 2nd century BC Greek original.

Sculptural group of Dionysus and s satyr. Only the torso is original.

Statue of Venus surprised at her bath. Venus crouches with her right knee close to the ground. Roman copy after Doidalsas. Side.

Statue of Venus surprised at her bath. Venus crouches with her right knee close to the ground. Roman copy after Doidalsas. Front.

Marsyas receiving Apollo's punishment,

Statue of Marsyas receiving Apollo's punishment,

Statue of Ares sitting from the Portico of Octavia

Statue of a funerary Eros. Copy after Lysippos. This work comes from Pitti Palace, where its presence in the White Room was first documented in the early 17th century. It was moved to the Gallery in the 19th century

Statue of Erato, the Muse of love poetry, sitting with a kithara.