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Fresco depicting the exterior of the Mausoleum of Theodoric

Altarpiece with a representation of S. Anna holding the youg Virgin Mary in her arms. Above, S. Emerenziana; on the right S. Francesco di Paola, S. Antonio da Padova and S. Andrea Corsini; on the left S. Orsola and S. Giuliano.

Reconstruction of an ambo with double staircase (Front view). The slabs are decorated with low-relief crosses.

Reconstruction of an ambo with double staircase. View from above

Reconstruction of an ambo with double staircase. View from the front and from above

Recostruction of different types of column bases and columns

Stone column with high relief of standing Attis

Illustration from the Ferrarini codex: The altar of Cesena

Cinerary urn with episodes of the Old and the New Testament; a scene from the life of Noah, Daniel in the Lions' Den, Raising of Lazarus.

Arch of Constantine celebrating his victory over Maxentius in the battle of the Milvian bridge. It was decorated with spolia of the 'golden times' of the Roman empire (2nd c. AD), in order to honour the new emperor.

Arch of Titus: The soffit of the axial archway is deeply coffered with a relief of the apotheosis of Titus at the center. Also, two panel reliefs lining the passageway within the arch commemorate the joint triumph celebrated by Titus and his father…