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Fragments of decorated plaster imitating opus sectile decoration

Fragments of decorated plaster imitating opus sectile decoration

Different limestone Corinthian capitals

White marble architectural elements re-used in a later (modern) wall made of irregular stone blocks and mortar

White marble architectural elements re-used in a later (modern) wall made of irregular stone blocks and mortar

White marble architectural elements re-used in a later (modern) wall made of irregular stone blocks and mortar

Unfinished granite architectural elements from an abandoned cave, now semi-covered by the sea

Unfinished granite columns from an abandoned cave, now semi-covered by the sea

Unfinished granite columns from an abandoned cave, now semi-covered by the sea

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Mosaic floor from central room of the Baths of the House of Eustolios with a partridge in the middle.

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St Barbara is depicted twice at the same church. She weaars again imperial garments, a cloak, and an imperial loros. Her crown is decorated with precious stones; she wears drop-earrings. She is holding a palm branch in her left hand and a cross in…

The plague of the first-born: the destroying angel passes through the land and kills every Egyptian first-born of man and animal

The plague of murrain in cattle: all the animals of the Egyptians die

The plague of darkness: Moses raises his hands towards the sky and there is total darkness for three days

The plague of locusts: as Moses raises his hands the locusts come and eat everything that has survived the hail

The plague of boils: Moses throws a handful of ashes into the air in front of Pharaoh and it produces boils on the people and the animals

The plague of hail: Moses raises his rod towards the sky, and hail and fire fall to the ground