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Detail of a relief; the Good Shepherd carrying a ram (kriophoros), framed by a tympanum on columns

Detail of a statuette of the Good Shepherd carrying a ram (kriophoros). The piece was detatched from a sarcophagus relief and re-carved in the 18th c.

Sarcophagus "of the Two Brothers", named after the two male busts portraying the deceased framed by a shell-like clipeus at the center of the sarcophagus front. The relief decoration consists of a continuous frieze, divided into two levels and…

Fragmentary statuette (and its reconstruction) depicting an aged shepherd, probably from a garden or secular decor of a Roman house underneath St. Clement's basilica (incorrectly identified with Peter as a bearded Good Shepherd).

Fragmentary statuette depicting an aged shepherd, probably from a garden or secular decor of a Roman house underneath St. Clement's basilica (incorrectly identified with Peter as a bearded Good Shepherd).

Detail of a fragmentary sarcophagus decorated by a continuous relief depicting episodes from the Old Testament and from the life of Jesus Christ: from left to right, the Raising of Lazarus; the Raising of the Dead (?)

Decorated initial O with bearded Christ. Detail from the two-way (boustrophedon) written parchment manuscript roll containing the Holy Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos in Greek. It is one of the oldest objects on display in the Museum of the Holy…

The two-way (boustrophedon) written parchment manuscript roll contains the Holy Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos in Greek. It is one of the oldest objects on display in the Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos.

Fragmentary statuette of the Good Shepherd carrying a ram (kriophoros)

Decorated initial O with fish. Detail from the two-way (boustrophedon) written parchment manuscript roll containing the Holy Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos in Greek. It is one of the oldest objects on display in the Museum of the Holy Monastery…

Detail of the Traditio legis scene on the cast of a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus was found at the Vatican Necropolis, and it is now kept in the Vatican Grottoes.

Basilica of San Vitale, ambulacrum: detail of floor mosaic decoration.

Fragments of a late antique sarcophagus decorated on the front with the scene of the Crossing of the Red Sea

Fragment of a late antique sarcophagus decorated on the front with the scene of the Crossing of the Red Sea

Basilica of San Vitale, ambulacrum: detail of floor mosaic decoration.